Friday, February 16, 2007

Red Lily

Yesu, the patient flower
that blooms is slow motion
Yesu, the fantasy
of all the flowing dreams
Yesu, the love
that flows through the body
Yesu, the soul
that calms my beating heart

Yesu is here, and forever will be
till he raises the Sun and again let it shine
on this life of your daughter Priyanka.
And again he will wake her
to a new life awaiting
With a gush of hot blood
through her veins.
16th October 2006

Thought Hunger
I want to think . . . and think and never stop thinking. I want to have a mind that can grow and live and be whole. Right now there are way too many people who are living completely thoughtless lives and don't do anything because of what they think and then they go to the grave and its The End. Ah, but what if you are living that life and you suddenly realize where you are? You would feel trapped and would want to escape life. But life is for changing. For doing things the way you want so that you can help the world be a little bit better. Thats what I will do. I will make myself complete and I will use myself to build and create the way I think will be good.


Joel & Dana said...

To become a thinking person is one of the best things on earth.
It's hard, which is why so many leave it to the experts and simply float with the tide. But of all the things in life wisdom is most valuable.
It's so true what you said: life is for changing! And we must think to be prepared to change ourselves and our world for better.

Two quotes come to mind:

"In order to change the world, man's way of thinking must be changed. Thus there can be no brotherhood of man before all men become each other's brothers."
-Dostoevsky in 'The Brothers Karamazov'

"Thoughs, however good in themselves, are like false pearls unless they are translated into action." - Gandhi ji

Unknown said...

Earlier today I was thinking how I wish I could think abstractly so that I could figure out puzzles and so that I could creat things.
Now that I think about thinking for fun I realize that it could be fun or just dreaming could be interesting.
jenna rex