Doubt flickers
inside the box..
for where there used to be life
there is only peace
In the constant movement
of the holding hands
She finds extreme irritation
in the fiery palm-lines.
She suddenly finds
something against life
and movement
and pain and joy.
But the possession
of this demon
passed away
and life comes and goes
along its own way.
Its impossible to judge
when or where or why
anything happens,
anything is done to us,
by ourselves.
I see your heart
Always returning to
the one place
where everything is meant to be.
But is it your heart
or simply a dream,
or a hope,
or a deep desire for goodness?
Where is the truth;
so lost in the mists of myth?
Where is the simplicity;
lost in the multiple facets of reality?
Where is the surrendering;
so essential to the beating of the heart-
but seems so abstract, so buried
Hiding beneath my feet
Crawling around
where it can’t be reached.
oh, breathing
of the summer air.
Is it any cooler up there?
15 April 2009
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