Sunday, March 25, 2007


I realized that from a certain angle, unity, literally seems to be almost opposite the real meaning. It is used to mean 'all together' but you would expect unity means 'all one'. If it was used in this literal sense it would create a feeling not of all being together, and mingling with eachother but of being alone. 'One' does not give the feeling of variety of cultures, feelings, histories, minds etc that is contained it the word 'Unity'. One thing that we like about the word unity is not the feeling of being one and all agreeing on the same thing, but being different and still being together. We like the feeling of working together and learning about eachother.
Here again, as I have said it a previous entry ('Active' February 2007), it shows how humans naturally are happier when they are active; they like the unity in which we learn and work together, not the one in which we just know everything about eachother and all just do everything the exact same way. We like an active Unity. You can also see from this that humans like variety and change. We can not just be all the same and manufactured out of the same factory.
One of the most beautiful things in our dreams of Unity is when we look at all the different things it contains- the animals, poeple, mountains, rivers etc all together. Not a crowd of uniformed living creatures all just standing or doing the same thing, as one. In fact that is one thing we don't like, usually. No one likes infinite repetition of anything, no matter how beautiful it is. We find beauty is new things. Not that we can't find beauty in old things, but the beauty in old things is again a change, from what we have lately been seeing.
A beautiful song of Unity is "It is One" and yet in it we get the feeling and all the different things that we consist of in Unity.


Jai said...

Ms. Rao, I am commenting on the whole site even though I am writing in the unity comment.

Your poetry is good. There are some cliches and I feel it flows much better when it is unrhymed in the traditional metre... i.e.

i like fish, swimming in the sea, swinging with a swish, i just want to be me. (meaning, this is poetry but it doesn't ache from the soul)
this type of poetry is a little bit boring and trite but you show great power when you use imagery like...

'Here I am wasting
time, while I’m waiting
for never arriving joy'


'to hear the waves
of what could only be
the ocean of endless stories
coming crashing down on me.'

Your thoughts also on subjects are amazing and you need to keep thinking and dreaming... the world will want to dream along with you!

I see also that your interestes lie in the fantasy section of literature. Perhaps you also read 'The Bartimaeus Trilogy' by Jonathon Shroud? You would like it I am sure. Very philosophical and cool.

Tala Azar said...

Hi, this is Tala (friend of Chris and Miranda)! I really like your blog and your thoughts... feel free to comment on my blog too. The idea of unity is really important to me too, and you make a good point. I also love thinking in general, but it gets tiring after a while - not that there is any way to stop a moving mind.
I'm away this weekend, so if you don't hear back from me don't think I'm rude. I'll link you on my blog. :)

Joel & Dana said...


Dana and Joel here. Very cool blog. :-) It is so great to see that you are expressing yourself so beautifully here.
Your observation about unity is so true - very deep.
We will continue browsing your site. You have a gift with words and it's pleasant reading.
